Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Assignment #1

In my early years of education, K-5, there was really no use of technology that was used. This is most likely due to the fact it was in the 90’s and there was not a lot of technology that was used or available. Going through middle school there was little technology as well. The only use was the computer and we were only allowed to use those when our class would sign out the computer lab. This would only occur once or twice a semester. High school saw a big increase in the use of computers. The majority of the teachers would use power points for their lectures. This is the most commonly used technology that I have personally experienced. It is very effective for both the teachers and the students. This allows the teachers to not have to waste class time by hand writing the lectures on the board. It benefits the students because they can clearly read and follow what is on the power point, creating a much smoother lecture.            
      I would define educational technology as improving academic performance by the use of technological processes and resources. There are many different resources you can use to help create the best possible learning module for your individual students. The definition stays open to countless types of technology, so the one definition can relate to all types of technology used in education.
      We live in a world built and ran on technology. The technological world is growing every single day. Currently the role of technology in teaching is an assistant to the teacher. It will help portray a lesson and topic, but it still comes down to the teacher to present it in a correct manner that will benefit the students the most. Technology and power points in particular can really help visual learners grasp the material. Technology really plays the role of a reliable resource students have the option of using.         
      The use of technology in the classroom is growing year by year. This is mostly due to the significant increase and availability of such resources. The increase of technology all around the country really encourages the use in the classroom. Students use technology the second they leave the classroom through the rest of the day, as do the teachers. If everyone is using it outside the classroom, it is only a matter of time that it finds a permanent spot in every class room setting. Elder school board members may discourage the use of technology because there lack of knowledge on the matter. They also have pre-determined ideas on how teaching in a classroom should be done and this was not included when they started teaching. Also teachers don’t want their students depend on technology in order for them to learn, as it will not always be an option in the classroom. 

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